Category: M&A

  • EU investments in Japan: Why did Vodafone fail in Japan?

    EU investments in Japan: Why did Vodafone fail in Japan?

    Vodafone made the largest ever European investment in Japan

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Why did Vodafone fail so dramatically in Japan?

    Quick answer

    Vodafone failed in Japan not for one single reason but for hundreds of reasons, which can be grouped into two groups

    1. Soft factors:
      • Japan knowledge at HQ, and knowledge at HQ about the specifics of Japan’s telecom sector (or lack thereof).
      • choice of management structure (there were attempts to correct the management structure, however too little and too late).
      • attitude displayed both privately e.g. within the Japanese industry sector and publicly via marketing messages and advertising
      • choice of executives and lower ranking managers and their knowledge and experience in Japan’s telecom sector (or lack thereof)
      • lack of sufficient know-how and experience to manage a large Japanese company, and particular the chain of retail stores
      • and many more
    2. Hard factors:
      • far too low budgets for infrastructure investment resulting in much lower coverage and network quality compared to competitors NTT-DoCoMo and KDDI/au and TuKa, Willcom and others. As a consequence of far too low investment budgets, Vodafone failed three times to introduce 3G services in Japan. (3G services were not successfully introduced until after the acquisition by Softbank, and after conversion of Vodafone KK to Softbank-Mobile).
      • mobile phone handsets were inferior to the handsets offered by competitors NTT-DoCoMo and KDDI, and TuKa
      • and many more
    vodafone brand disappears from Japan
    vodafone brand disappears from Japan

    Long answer

    Find a long answer in this blog post below, in our other blog posts, and in some detail including statistics and financial data in our Softbank Report.

    On Friday March 17, 2006, Vodafone and Softbank announced that Vodafone sells Vodafone KK (the totality of all Vodafone operations in Japan) to Softbank.

    It has been reported that on Monday March 20, 2006, Softbank started to move all Vodafone KK staff, furniture and equipment from Vodafone KK’s former headquarters in the top floors of the Atago-Greenhills-Mori-Tower to Softbank headquarters in Shiodome (near Shinbashi). Also Softbank started to arrange that essentially all foreign expatriate managers left Vodafone KK – some stayed in Japan working for other IT companies, some returned to European Vodafone divisions, and some pursue telecom careers in USA, India, Bangladesh, or elsewhere.

    By total coincidence, I had dinner a high-level manager of Vodafone KK, of European nationality, at the indian restaurant Moti’s in Tokyo-Roppongi on exactly the same day, the Friday March 17, 2006 a few hours after the sale of Vodafone KK to Softbank was announced. I asked him: “Which of the following is true:”

    1. Vodafone never did any market research in Japan?
    2. Vodafone did market research in Japan, but the quality was low?
    3. Vodafone did market research in Japan, but nobody read it?

    This Vodafone KK manager’s answer at the indian dinner was (3): market research was done about Japan’s mobile phone market, but the market research was not sufficiently taken into account in the business and strategy planning.

    Fact is, that Vodafone KK took many major strategy and market decisions in Japan, which were not related to the realities of Japan’s market. Here one example. When “rebranding” (=changing the company / product / services names) from J-Phone to Vodafone, this “rebranding” campaign was centered on global roaming, i.e. Vodafone enabled Japanese customers to use Japanese J-Phone/Vodafone mobile phones in a very large number of countries outside Japan as well as inside Japan. This was at a time, when Japan’s mainstream mobile 2G phone system which both DoCoMo and J-Phone used was PDC, while much of the rest of the world, especially Europe used GSM. However, what Vodafone overlooked was, that at that time DoCoMo had about 30,000 roaming customers, out of approx. 50 million subscribers, i.e. only about 0.06% of Japanese mobile phone users used international roaming at that time. Thus Vodafone KK in Japan focused their main nation-wide poster and TV and other media campaign on about 0.06% of the Japanese market – less than a niche. (The reason we know how many roaming customers DoCoMo had at that time, is because one of Vodafone KK’s competitors in Japan engaged our company Eurotechnology Japan KK to analyze Japan’s roaming market, and help our client to develop strategy to better compete with Vodafone KK’s roaming products, which were aggressively marketed, and the core of Vodafone KK’s marketing focus).

    Another example was Vodafone KK’s strategic focus on Japan’s prepaid market. In 2006 there were about 2.6 million prepaid mobile phone customers in Japan, i.e. about 2.7% of the market, while DoCoMo had about 45,200 prepaid subscribers, i.e. about 0.09% of DoCoMo’s subscribers were prepaid customers. Since the prepaid market in Europe (especially Italy where about 1/2 of the market is prepaid) is extremely important and highly profitable, Vodafone decided on the strategy to focus strongly on the development and growth of Japan’s prepaid market. Almost at the same time however, a national campaign started in Japan linking unregistered and illegally traded prepaid mobile phones to crime, and a law was proposed in Japan’s parliament to outlaw any type of prepaid mobile phones. Thus Vodafone KK found itself on the one hand promoting and investing to develop prepaid mobile phone services in Japan, developing, purchasing (as was the business model in Japan at that time) and bringing to market special prepaid handsets, and organizing national media campaigns promoting Vodafone prepaid mobile phones, while at the same time on the other hand facing the possibility that Japan’s parliament would outlaw these same prepaid mobile phones, and a broad press and TV national discussion on how prepaid mobile phones are linked to crime. The end result was, that instead of outlawing prepaid mobile phones, it was decided to introduce far stricter registration requirements and ID requirements for mobile phones and especially for prepaid mobile phones, and the unauthorized/unregistered sale or transfer of prepaid mobile phones in Japan was made a crime. The end effect for Vodafone of course was a commercial failure of Vodafone’s prepaid mobile phone campaign, in addition to a general decrease of ARPU (average revenue per user).

    As a consequence of these and other factors, Vodafone KK’s market share continuously decreased, subscribers moved from Vodafone KK to DoCoMo and KDDI/au, and the financial performance of Vodafone KK deteriorated, in the end convincing Vodafone that the best option was to sell Vodafone’s Japan operations and terminate business activities in Japan.

    You can find further details and statistics, financial performance and market share data during this period in our Softbank report.

    Japan telecommunications industry market report

    Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Vodafone in Japan? Why did Vodafone change its mind about Japan?

    Vodafone in Japan? Why did Vodafone change its mind about Japan?

    Negotiations between SoftBank and Vodafone about sale of Vodafone Japan confirmed

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Bloomberg: Vodafone-Japan CEO Tsuda seeks growth in Japan, not sale

    About one year ago, in an interview with Bloomberg (“Vodafone KK’s Tsuda seeks growth in Japan, not sale“), I mentioned that a sale of Vodafone’s Japan operations to Softbank might be the way Vodafone will go in Japan. This seems to be happening now and negotiations to this effect were confirmed by both Softbank and Vodafone over the weekend.

    The potential deal

    Although a deal has not been closed yet, it is widely reported that a sale of Vodafone’s Japan operations to Softbank is very likely to be closed within a few weeks. What could this deal look like?

    As reported by Bloomberg Vodafone KK’s capitalization at the point of delisting from the Tokyo Stock Exchange was around YEN 1.4 Trillion (= about US$ 12 Billion). Bloomberg mentions estimations by London based analysts who value Vodafone KK in the range US$ 14 to 16 Billion. Of course, if a deal is actually concluded, it might be a complex deal with several components, not just a simple cash price, and any cash value will not be determined by analysts in London, but on the negotiating table between Softbank and Vodafone, and the final deal could be more complex than a simple sale against cash payment.

    In any case, this deal – if it happens – promises to become one of the largest M&A transactions ever in Japan sofar in terms of cash value. Vodafone is reported to prefer a cash deal, and Softbank has been reported to consider a leveraged buy-out (LBO) where Softbank will take debt against the to-be-acquired company.

    It has also been reported that Softbank seems to be planning to change the name of the resulting company, so the “Vodafone” brand is not likely to survive in Japan.

    What is Softbank likely to do with Vodafone’s Japan operations

    An acquisition of Vodafone’s Japan operations will be the completion of Softbank‘s march to build a full-scale telecommunications group on a par with NTT and KDDI through a series of acquisitions plus internal growth.

    Softbank in this new shape will become a much more serious competitor for NTT and KDDI, which both have succeeded to transform themselves from former monopolies into some of the world’s most advanced telecom operators.

    In a sense Softbank is already where DoCoMo and KDDI are working very hard to get to: DoCoMo and KDDI are working hard to build content and transaction businesses (such as shopping, financial services, auctions and music), because pure traffic revenue (ARPU) is driven down by relentless competition.

    Softbank is strongly linked to YAHOO-Japan, and YAHOO-Japan demonstrated it’s strength by driving eBay out of Japan – so Softbank is already where DoCoMo and KDDI want to go. All Softbank still needed was a wireless network, and with a Vodafone acquisition, Softbank will have a wireless network much faster than expected.

    A Vodafone/Softbank deal will not be a good development for eAccess/eMobile, and eAccess/eMobile is reported to have submitted documents to Japan’s regulatory authorities regarding Softbank’s wireless license. It will be interesting how the regulating government ministry will decide on the regulatory aspects of any Softbank/Vodafone deal. In the past few years Japan’s government has been singularly focused on creating the conditions to make Japan the most advanced IT market in the world, so I think we can
    be confident to expect a wise decision – wise for Japan, not necessarily beneficial for particular mobile operators.

    What made Vodafone change it’s mind about Japan?

    As reported by Bloomberg, one year ago Vodafone had the clear intention to remain in Japan for the next 10, 20, 30 years. What made Vodafone change it’s mind?

    As widely reported, Vodafone was loosing market share in Japan’s mobile phone market over the last several years.

    With number portability being introduced in Japan from autumn 2006, and with three new operators entering the market during 2006-2007, the competitive environment will become much more severe than it is now, decreasing pure network profitability, while at the same time massive network investments are necessary.

    Analysis of Vodafone-Japan’s subscriber numbers shows that early warning signs appeared already in 2002 – 2002 would have been the time for Vodafone to take decisive action to turn the business around in Japan.

    See also: my comments in Der Standard (German language) “Aus fuer Vodafone in Japan”

    UPI also quotes us: “Globe Talk: Vodafone’s sayonara problems”

    Japan telecommunications industry market report

    Copyright 1997-2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation acquires Dorlastan fibers business from Lanxess

    Lanxess continues refocussing following spin-out from Bayer

    Textiles business moves to Asia

    On 17 November 2005, Lanxess (Köln, Germany) and Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation (Osaka, Japan) announced the planned sale of Lanxess’ Dorlastan business to Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation.

    Lanxess’ Dorlastan division includes production sites at Dormagen, Germany, and in Bushy Park, South Carolina, USA:

    • Dormagen (Germany): currently 280 employees, 170 to be transferred to Asahi Kasei Fibers Corp.
    • Bushy Park (South Carolina, USA): currently 190 employees, 160 to be transferred to Asahi Kasei Fibers Corp.


    Lanxess was founded in 2004 as a spin-out from Germany’s chemical giant Bayer, and includes some of Bayer’s former chemicals and polymers divisions.

    Lanxess focuses on manufacturing and marketing plastics, rubber, intermediates and speciality chemicals.

    Copyright·©2005-2016 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • The Economist about 3G and Vodafone in Japan

    The Economist about 3G and Vodafone in Japan

    An article in The Economist about Vodafone is partly based on our analysis:

    “Vodafone- Not so big in Japan” (The Economist, Sept 30th, 2004)

    Japan telecommunications industry market report

    Copyright 1997-2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved