Brexit impacts Japanese investments in UK, impacts business and trade between UK and Japan
Brexit Japan impact: Brexit may impact trade and investment flows
Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators’ level on 14 November 2018
EU: Brexit preparedness notices
Inward investments from Japan to UK: about 1/3 – 1/2 of Japanese investments into the UK is Softbank’s acquisition of ARM
Inward investments from Japan to UK – comparison
- Japanese investment into UK:
- 1000 companies,
- €76bn (£71 billion) of direct investment, (other sources, e.g. New York Times 29 August 2017 estimate Japanese investments in UK as £40 billion (US$ 52)); The Economist: £44bn ($57bn) in 2015 (+investments since 2015, e.g. SoftBank’s acquisition of ARM). Given that total foreign investment by Japan in abroad are approx. US$ 3200 Billion, this means that UK has attracted about 1.6% – 2.7% of all Japanese overseas investments.
- 140,000 employees
- German investment into UK:
- 1300 companies,
- €110bn of direct investment,
- 370,000 employees
Thus approximately 1/3 – 1/2 of Japanese investment in UK is SoftBank’s acquisition of ARM, depending on different estimations of the total value of investments.
EU Brexit homepage
EU information and transparency on the Article 50 negotiations between EU and UK
Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom (EU website)
EU position papers on Article 50 negotiations
Position papers transmitted to the EU27 on Article 50 negotiations - POSITION PAPER 12 JUNE 2017
Position papers transmitted to the UK on Article 50 negotiations
EU Taskforce on Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom
Taskforce on Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom
In charge of preparing and conducting the negotiations with the UK, taking into account the framework of its future relationship with the European Union.
EU Brexit preparedness
Brexit preparedness
Notices from the departments of the European Commission on the legal and practical implications of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union.
European Commission Draft Withdrawal Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community
UK Government: Article 50 and negotiations with the EU
Article 50 and negotiations with the EU
Japan’s Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) message to the UK and the EU
Japanese Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) document:
Japan’s Message to the United Kingdom and the European Union [pdf]
EU General Affairs Council (Art. 50), 20/07/2018
General Affairs Council (Art. 50), 20/07/2018
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