Ludwig Boltzmann Symposia on Energy and leadership:
Information on the Ludwig Boltzmann Symposia on Energy and leadership
Presentations and events:
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“Japan’s energy – myths versus reality”
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013
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18:30 – 21:00
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Embassy of Sweden, Alfred Nobel Auditorium
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Stockholm School of Economics, European Institute of Japanese Studies
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for details and registration click here
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Announcement on the webpage of Stockholm School of Economics
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“Overview of Japan’s Data Center Landscape” (Opening keynote)
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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May 22, 2013
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Tokyo Convention Hall, Great Hall on 5th Floor, TOKYO SQUARE GARDEN, 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
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Data Center Summit Tokyo
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“The beauty of Japan’s Galapagos Effect – and how to go beyond”
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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July 12, 2010
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Tokyo Westin Hotel
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ACCJ American Chamber of Commerce
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Read summary here in the ACCJ-Journal
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“The beauty of Japan’s Galapagos effect – and how to go beyond”
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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May 19, 2010
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18:30 – 21:00
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Embassy of Sweden, Alfred Nobel Auditorium
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Stockholm School of Economics, European Institute of Japanese Studies
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“A German perspective on M&A in Japan”
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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June 24th, 2013
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German Embassy, Tokyo
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“A European perspective on M&A in Japan”
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presentation by Gerhard Fasol
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Wednesday June 4, 2008
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Danish Chamber of Commerce in Japan
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Read the report on the website of the Danish Chamber of Commerce in Japan.
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“Global opportunities for Japan’s telecommunications sector”
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presentation by Gerhard Fasol
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Friday, May 9, 2008
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Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
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Workshop on modeling and analysis of Computer and Communication systems at Princeton University
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“Mergers and acquisitions in Japan”
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Panel discussion including Gerhard Fasol
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Friday, April 18, 2008
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Daiwa Anglo Japan Foundation in London
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event by Asia-Pacific Technology Network
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“Mergers and acquisitions in Japan”
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“Help – my mobile phone does not work! – Why Japan’s mobile phone sector is so different from Europe’s”
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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Friday, March 16, 2007
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12:00 – 14:00
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Tokyo (Westin Hotel)
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Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (FCCJ)
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View an event report with photographs and comments here
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Download the Powerpoints of the presentation here (pdf, 1.2 MB)
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“Mobile payment and the future of money “
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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Friday March 2, 2007
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Grand Hyatt Hotel Tokyo
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CLSA Japan Forum 2007
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“Impact of mobile payment and the future of money”
The presentation covers the following agenda:
- Can e-money and mobile payment replace cash?
- Example: mobile payment for the world’s busiest train line
- DoCoMo’s target for mobile payments
- Japan’s mobile payment and keitai credit landscape
- Free markets vs regulation
- Mifare and Felica chips and radio communications (NFC)
- Who drives mobile payments
- Growth of SUICA
- DoCoMo’s mobile payment and keitai credit strategy
- Edy – electronic cash
- A major bank’s mobile payment system
- Impact
- Where to invest – who to watch
- Summary
More information:
“Mobile payment and keitai credit” (download here)
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Why Japan is several years ahead of Europe in Telecommunications, and what Europe can do to catch up? – briefing on Japan’s telecommunications sector
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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April 24, 2006
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18:30 – 21:00
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Investor AB: Group of Controllers (CFOs) of Investor AB’s portfolio companies
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The Swedish controllers (CFOs) had asked for a briefing on Japan’s telecom industry. Some of their companies are considering to start, re-start, or grow faster in Japan, so there were many detailed questions about business in Japan, what can go wrong, personell issues, experience of other multinationals, and of course a lot of questions about IKEA and Vodafone.
My presentation was similar to the presentation I had given on March 23, 2006 to the Technology Attaches of the Embassies of the 25 European Union countries, which lead the European Union to award our company a project contract about EU vs Japan benchmarking issues in telecoms and key technology areas.
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Why are mobile phones so hot in Japan? How can European companies profit from Keitai?
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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March 23, 2006
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Delegation (Embassy) of the European Union in Tokyo
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Technology Attaches of the 25 EU Embassies in Tokyo
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Why are mobile phones so hot in Japan? How can European companies profit from Keitai?
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Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
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February 16, 2006
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18:30 – 21:00
[genericon icon=location]
Embassy of Sweden, Alfred Nobel Auditorium
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Stockholm School of Economics, European Institute of Japanese Studies
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11th General Conference of the European Physical Society : EPS-11 : Trends in Physics
Time: 6 – 10 Sep 1999, London, UK (40 minutes)
Invited plenary talk (40 mins)
Place: London
Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Monday 22 January 1996, 18:00-20:00,
German Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo,
Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Audience: Japanese Executives of German and Japanese Companies
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