Tag: 東レ株式会社

  • Toray acquires Delta-Tech SpA to expand carbon fiber business in Europe

    Toray acquires Delta-Tech SpA to expand carbon fiber business in Europe

    Toray acquires Delta-Tech: 55% of Italian fiber manufacturer Delta-Tech SpA including Delta-Preg SpA

    Toray management program Project AP-G 2016: “thorough implementation of growth strategy through innovation and aggressive management”

    Toray acquires Delta-Tech: acquires 55% of outstanding shares of the Italian prepreg manufacturer Delta-Tech SpA including the fully owned subsidiary Delta-Preg SpA.

    Delta-Tech SpA and Delta-Preg SpA

    Delta-Tech SpA was founded in 1999 for products in the composite materials industry.

    Delta-Tech product groups include:

    • fabrics: woven carbon, multi axial stitched carbon, woven glass…
    • UD tapes: HS carbon fiber, IM carbon fiber etc
    • Kordo: pre-formed edging system
    • SIMS: Semi-impregnated micro-sandwich, laminates based on the use of non-woven needle punched fabrics with micro-sandwich structures. Applications are automotive body panels and personal protection equipment

    Delta-Preg SpA was founded in 2001 and manufactures textiles.


    Pre-Preg are pre-impregnated composite fibers with a matrix material such as epoxy.

    Toray’s medium term management program “Project AP-G 2016” (from April 2014 to March 2017)

    Toray’s Project AP-G 2016 is part of Toray’s long term vision “AP-Growth TORAY 2020“, and follows “Project AP-G 2013.

    Thorough implementation of growth strategy through “innovation and aggressive management”.

    Key benchmarks for FY 2016:

    • Consolidated net sales: YEN 2.3 trillion (US$ 23 billion)
    • Consolidated operating income: YEN 180 billion (US$ 1.8 billion)
    • ROA 8%
    • ROE 10%

    Toray’s long term vision “AP-Growth TORAY 2020“: become “a global top company of advanced materials”

    AP-Growth TORAY 2020 is a unified growth map for the next 10 years based on Toray’s corporate vision of “contributing to society through the creation of new value with innovative ideas, technologies and products”.

    Key KPI’s for AP-Growth TORAY 2020 (to be achieved around 2020)

    • consolidated net sales: YEN 3 trillion (US$ 30 billion)
    • Consolidated operating income: YEN 300 billion (US$ 3 billion)
    • Operating income margin: 10%
    • ROA: 10%
    • ROE: 13%

    Toray Industries, Inc. (東レ株式会社) “Innovation by chemistry” (化学による革新と創造) (TSE 3402, LSE TKK)

    Toray Industries, Inc. (東レ株式会社) was founded on 12 January 1926 with an investment by Mitsui Bussan. The company was incorporated as Touyou Rayon (東洋レーヨン) on 16 April 1926.

    In 1970 the company name was changed to Toray KK (東レ株式会社). Toray is the abbreviation of Touyou Rayon (レーヨン).

    Toray’s main business are:

    • fibers and textiles
    • plastics and chemicals
    • IT related products: films, color filters, products for IC production, graphics materials
    • carbon fiber composites
    • environment and engineering: water treatment membranes, materials for housing, environmental equipment
    • life science
    • other: analysis, research related services

    Toray builds integrated supply chain in Europe

    Through a program of acquisitions, Toray is building an integrated supply chain in Europe:

    • Delta-Tech SpA and Delta-Prepreg SpA
    • Saati SpA’s European carbon fiber fabric and prepreg business, renamed: Composite Materials (Italy) S.r.l., (CIT)
    • Alcantara S.p.A.: Trading activities, manufacture and marketing of ALCANTARA®, unique covering material
    • Toray Carbon Fibers Europe S.A. (CFE): polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor
    • Toray Films Europe S.A.S. (TFE)
    • Toray Textiles Central Europe s.r.o. (TTCE)
    • Euro Advanced Carbon Fiber Composites GmbH (EACC): Manufacture and marketing of CFRP parts and components for automobile
    • ACE Advanced Composite Engineering GmbH (ACE)
    • Toray International Europe GmbH (TIEU)
    • Toray Resins Europe GmbH (TREU): Import and sales of resin products
    • Greenery GmbH: Development, manufacturing, and sales of fuel cells and water electrolysis components
    • Toray Membrane Spain S.L. (TMSP): Marketing and consulting of water treatment membranes
    • Toray Membrane Europe AG (TMEu): Importing and Sales of RO membrane element, UF/MF hollow fiber membrane module, and submerged module of flat sheet membrane
    • Toray International U.K. Ltd. (TIUK): trading
    • Toray Textiles Europe Ltd. (TTEL): Weaving and dyeing of polyester filament textiles

    Copyright (c)2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Toray acquires Saati SpA’s European carbon fiber fabric and prepreg business

    Toray acquires Saati’s European fabric business: Toray builds integrated supply chain in Europe

    Toray management program Project AP-G 2016: “thorough implementation of growth strategy through innovation and aggressive management”

    Toray acquires Saati’s European fabric business: Toray announced on 10 December 2014 the agreement to acquire the European carbon fiber fabric and prepreg business of Saati SpA. Toray will take over Saati’s plant located in Legnano (Milano Province) in January 2015, renaming the operations “Composite Materials (Italy) Srl (CIT)” and to become a fully owned subsidiary of Toray.

    Saati will continue to own and operate the Saati composite business in America.

    Saati SpA

    SAATI SpA was founded in 1935 to manufacture silk flour mesh fabrics, and employs about 850 people.

    Saadi SpA operates five divisions:

    • printing: graphics, electronics, apparel, glass etc
    • chemicals: screen printing, emulsions, screen prep and reclaim materials
    • filtration
    • protection: ballistic panels, helmets etc
    • composites: carbon fabrics, glass fabrics, prepreg, UD, etc


    Pre-Preg are pre-impregnated composite fibers with a matrix material such as epoxy.

    Toray’s medium term management program “Project AP-G 2016” (from April 2014 to March 2017)

    Toray’s Project AP-G 2016 is part of Toray’s long term vision “AP-Growth TORAY 2020“, and follows “Project AP-G 2013.

    Thorough implementation of growth strategy through “innovation and aggressive management”.

    Key benchmarks for FY 2016:

    • Consolidated net sales: YEN 2.3 trillion (US$ 23 billion)
    • Consolidated operating income: YEN 180 billion (US$ 1.8 billion)
    • ROA 8%
    • ROE 10%

    Toray’s long term vision “AP-Growth TORAY 2020“: become “a global top company of advanced materials”

    AP-Growth TORAY 2020 is a unified growth map for the next 10 years based on Toray’s corporate vision of “contributing to society through the creation of new value with innovative ideas, technologies and products”.

    Key KPI’s for AP-Growth TORAY 2020 (to be achieved around 2020)

    • consolidated net sales: YEN 3 trillion (US$ 30 billion)
    • Consolidated operating income: YEN 300 billion (US$ 3 billion)
    • Operating income margin: 10%
    • ROA: 10%
    • ROE: 13%

    Toray Industries, Inc. (東レ株式会社) “Innovation by chemistry” (化学による革新と創造) (TSE 3402, LSE TKK)

    Toray Industries, Inc. (東レ株式会社) was founded on 12 January 1926 with an investment by Mitsui Bussan. The company was incorporated as Touyou Rayon (東洋レーヨン) on 16 April 1926.

    In 1970 the company name was changed to Toray KK (東レ株式会社). Toray is the abbreviation of Touyou Rayon (レーヨン).

    Toray’s main business are:

    • fibers and textiles
    • plastics and chemicals
    • IT related products: films, color filters, products for IC production, graphics materials
    • carbon fiber composites
    • environment and engineering: water treatment membranes, materials for housing, environmental equipment
    • life science
    • other: analysis, research related services

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