Seminar in London: "M&A in Japan" (Friday 18 April 2008, 12:30-14:30)

Seminar Description:

Two practitioners from Tokyo will debate the changes in Japanese attitudes to mergers and acquisitions. During the course of this seminar, we will cover M&As between Japanese companies, the slow impact of foreign investment into Japan, and the outward investment strategies of Japanese companies.


Dr Gerhard Fasol, President, Eurotechnology Japan KK

David Syrad, Managing Director/Managing Director Asia, A.K.I. Japan Limited

Time and Date:

Friday April 18, 2008, Sandwiches: 12:30, Seminar: 13:00-14:30


Daiwa Foundation Japan House, 13/14 Cornwall Terrace, London, NW1 4QP

Price: free of charge

To register: biz @

Organizer contact: Louis Turner Tel. +44 – 790 5204 677

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