CSC Media Group (of UK) acquired by SONY for 107 million pounds

CSC Media Group acquired by SONY for 107 mill pounds, bringing 16 cable and satellite channels to SONY

CSC Media Group of UK (formerly Chart Show Channels) owns 19 cable and satellite channels acquired by SONY

CSC Media Group acquisition for UKL 107 million

On June 26, 2014 SONY announced the acquisition of the CSC Media Group of UK for a total of 107 million pounds from the major shareholder Veronis Suhler Stevenson.

CSC Media Group owns and operates 16 satellite and cable channels in the UK.

With this acquisition SONY owns 25 TV channels in Great Britain, and about 64 channels globally.

We believe that with this acquisition SONY aims to strengthen the profitability of content distribution to accompany the restructuring of SONY’s loss making electronics division, which includes the production of TV sets.

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