Rakuten builds European logistics infrastructure
Rakuten’s 6th acquisition in Europe
Rakuten is aggressively globalizing in the face of intense competition by Amazon.com, and more recently Alibaba. As part of global growth, Rakuten is acquiring a string of e-commerce, e-book, online media, and software and service companies in Europe. Now Rakuten has started to build fulfillment logistics infrastructure in Europe to strengthen the backend of e-commerce.
On November 6, 2012, Rakuten announced the acquisition of logistics specialist Alpha Direct Services (ADS), based in Beauvais (France), from the previous owners:
- Adrian Diaconu, founder and CEO
- French investment fund FCDE, regarding ADS, see here.
Note that in 2013, Rakuten acquired the US-based logistics company Webgistix, continuing the strategy to build a global logistics network.
Alpha Direct Services (ADS)
Alpha Direct Services (ADS) was founded in 2002 by Adrian Diaconu based on the acquisition of the French book club enterprise “Grand Livre du Mois”, with annual sales of € 3.5 million (US$ 4 million).
ADS offers a global value chain:
- front-end websites
- order management
- receipt of products
- storage, warehousing
- order picking
- fulfillment delivery, shipping (BtoB and BtoC)
- reverse logistics
- customer relationship management (CRM)
Adrian Deacon developed Alpha Direct Services (ADS) into a mail order, e-commerce and multi-channel logistics company.
Alpha Direct Services (ADS):
- 490 employees
- storage surfaces: total 130,000 square meters
- inventory: 2 million products
- 24 million packages shipped/year
- 180 active clients
Alpha Direct Services (ADS) growth:
- 2007: acquired Evreux logistical unit
- 2013: acquired Moissy-Cramayel logistical unit
- 2014: 13,000 square meter extension of Beauvais logistical unit
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