Category: Japanese investments in EU

  • Panasonic Automotive acquires AUPEO! – streaming music into internet connected cars

    Panasonic Automotive acquires AUPEO! – streaming music into internet connected cars

    Panasonic continues to restructure away from commodities

    Panasonic Automotive acquires AUPEO! to stream music into internet connected cars

    Japan’s electronics giants are under immense pressure to refocus away from commodities. Panasonic Automotive now acquires the German company AUPEO!, specialized on streaming music into internet connected cars.

    Aupeo was founded in Berlin’s startup scene in 2008 by Armin Schmidt and CEO Holger Weiss, and focuses on streaming music into internet connected cars.

    AUPEO! works both B2B with car manufacturers and aftermarket car audio producers and also B2C offering services to consumers.

    AUPEO! currently works with the following OEMs

    • BMW
    • Mercedes
    • Mini
    • Honda
    • Toyota
    • Ford
    • Audi

    and in the aftermarket with:

    • Pioneer
    • JVC Kenwood

    More information here on

    Copyright (c) 2014 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Mitsui Chemicals acquires Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, dental materials for € 450 million

    Heraeus divests Heraeus Kulzer GmbH because the use of precious materials for dental restoration is declining

    Mitsui Chemicals [4183] acquires Heraeus Kulzer GmbH to combine with Sun Medical Co Ltd to form a global dental materials business

    At the Board Meeting of April 4, 2013 Mitsui Chemicals Inc decided to acquire the dental business of Heraeus Holding GmbH (Heraeus Dental).

    Mitsui Chemicals and Heraeus Holding GmbH agreed to a valuation of € 450 million (YEN 54.3 billion) including debt, and to be adjusted to changes in working capital and cash on the closing date.

    Mitsui Chemicals’ subsidiary Sun Medical Co Ltd has been producing dental materials for 30 years, and plans to combine Heraeus Dental with Sun Medical Co Ltd to form a combined global dental materials business.

    Heraeus decided to divest Heraeus Dental, mentioning that the dental industry is changing and the use of precious materials for dental restoration is declining.

    Heraeus Holding GmbH (Seller)

    Heraeus is a family owned privately held company, with core focus on precious metals.

    Heraeus was founded in 1851 by the pharmacist and chemist Wilhelm Carl Heraeus, who had inherited his father’s pharmacy “Einhorn Apotheke” in Hanau, near Frankfurt. Wilhelm Carl Heraeus invented a method to melt platinum using a oxyhydrogen blowpipe. In 1857, Wilhelm Carl Heraeus produced about 30 kilograms of pure platinum, and about 1 ton in 1896.

    Heraeus Holding GmbH achieves € 3.4 billion in product revenues + € 12.2 billion in precious metal trading revenues, a total of € 15.589 billion revenues annually in 2014 with about 12,600 employees.

    Heraeus Kulzer, Heraeus Dental and Heraeus Medical

    Heraeus since the 1930 supplies dental materials based on the gold, silver and palladium alloy Alba, and a variety of gold and ceramic bonding alloys. In 2009, Heraeus Kulzer was split into Heraeus Dental and Heraeus Medical.

    Heraeus Dental (Trade name) / Heraeus Kulzer GmbH (Corporate group)

    Heraeus Kulzer consists of 17 corporate entities (share deal) and 9 entities (asset deal), a total of 26 legal entities.

    Net assets: € 57.5 million (as of Dec 31, 2012)
    Gross assets: € 165.3 million (as of Dec 31, 2012)

    Revenues: € 353.6 million (year ending Dec 2012)
    Operating income: € 16.2 million (year ending Dec 2012)

    Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Hitachi Consulting acquires operations management consulting firm Celerant Consulting at a value of about US$ 145 million

    Hitachi Consulting acquires operations management consulting firm Celerant Consulting at a value of about US$ 145 million

    Hitachi Consulting growth is in line with Hitachi’s Smart Transformation

    Hitachi Consulting aims to grow to US$ 1.5 billion annual revenues by FY2015

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Hitachi Consulting announced on January 2, 2013 the acquisition of the UK based operations management consulting firm Celerant Consulting.

    Caledonia Investments announced the sale of its 47.3% ownership in Celerant Consulting for around 47.7 million pounds (US$ 68 million). Therefore we estimate that the full acquisition price of 100% of Celerant Consulting is around 92 million British Pounds (US$ 145 million).

    Celerant Consulting

    Celerant Consulting was founded in 1987 as Cambridge Management Consulting Limited by Ian P. Clarkson, and changed the name to Celerant Consulting Limited in May 2001. Headquarters are in Richmond (UK) and since December 31, 2012, Celerant Consulting Limited is a subsidiary of Hitachi Consulting Corporation.

    Caledonia Investments invested in Celerant Consulting in May 2006, backing an MBO from Novell Inc.

    Hitachi Consulting and Hitachi

    Hitachi Consulting is part of the Hitachi Information & Telecommunications System Company (ITSC).

    Hitachi is Japan’s largest electronics and electrical industry group. After about 17 years of stagnation, very low growth and very small profits, Hitachi was shell-shocked by approx. US$ 8 billion losses in FY2009 to embark on “Hitachi’s Smart Transformation”. Acquisition of Celerant Consulting is in line with Hitachi’s Smart Transformation, which includes a shift to profitable services and globalization.

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Hitachi Europe acquires The Railway Engineering Company (TRE)

    Hitachi Europe acquires The Railway Engineering Company (TRE)

    TRE supplies simulators and automatic routing systems

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Hitachi Europe expands European Traffic Managment Railways (TMS) sector

    Hitachi Europe, on December 20, 2012 announced the acquisition of The Railway Engineering Company (TRE) from James Fisher and Sons plc for UKL 25.5 million.

    The Railway Engineering Company (TRE) products include:

    • Automatic Routing Systems
    • Signalling and Interlocking Simulation
    • Data Preparation tools
    • Signalling System support
    • TREsim, a high fidelity simulator and TREsa
    • Signallers Automatic Route Setting (SARS)
    • Signallers Assistant Control System (SACS)

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2014 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Alpha Direct Services (ADS) acquired by Rakuten to build European logistics

    Alpha Direct Services (ADS) acquired by Rakuten to build European logistics

    Rakuten builds European logistics infrastructure

    Rakuten’s 6th acquisition in Europe

    Rakuten is aggressively globalizing in the face of intense competition by, and more recently Alibaba. As part of global growth, Rakuten is acquiring a string of e-commerce, e-book, online media, and software and service companies in Europe. Now Rakuten has started to build fulfillment logistics infrastructure in Europe to strengthen the backend of e-commerce.

    On November 6, 2012, Rakuten announced the acquisition of logistics specialist Alpha Direct Services (ADS), based in Beauvais (France), from the previous owners:

    Note that in 2013, Rakuten acquired the US-based logistics company Webgistix, continuing the strategy to build a global logistics network.

    Alpha Direct Services (ADS)

    Alpha Direct Services (ADS) was founded in 2002 by Adrian Diaconu based on the acquisition of the French book club enterprise “Grand Livre du Mois”, with annual sales of € 3.5 million (US$ 4 million).

    ADS offers a global value chain:

    • front-end websites
    • order management
    • receipt of products
    • storage, warehousing
    • order picking
    • fulfillment delivery, shipping (BtoB and BtoC)
    • reverse logistics
    • customer relationship management (CRM)

    Adrian Deacon developed Alpha Direct Services (ADS) into a mail order, e-commerce and multi-channel logistics company.

    Alpha Direct Services (ADS):

    • 490 employees
    • storage surfaces: total 130,000 square meters
    • inventory: 2 million products
    • 24 million packages shipped/year
    • 180 active clients

    Alpha Direct Services (ADS) growth:

    • 2007: acquired Evreux logistical unit
    • 2013: acquired Moissy-Cramayel logistical unit
    • 2014: 13,000 square meter extension of Beauvais logistical unit

    Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Horizon Nuclear Power acquired by Hitachi for £696 million

    Horizon Nuclear Power acquired by Hitachi for £696 million

    Hitachi to build 6 GigaWatt of nuclear power in UK

    by Gerhard Fasol

    E.ON and RWE to withdraw, Chinese consortium lost bid

    In tune with Germany’s “Energiewende”, E.ON and RWE npower decided to sell Horizon Nuclear Power.

    On October 29, 2012 Hitachi Ltd (株式会社日立製作所) announced the agreement to acquire Horizon Nuclear Power for £696 million (approx. US$ 1 billion), and the purchase was completed on November 26, 2012.

    One of the bidders was a joint venture between China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and China National Nuclear Corporation, however dropped out of the competition.

    Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) will reportedly be undertaken by a joint venture of Hitachi Ltd (株式会社日立製作所), Babcock, Rolls-Royce, and SNC-Lavalin Group.

    UK is planning to invest £110 billion to replace existing nuclear power stations with modern designs.

    Horizon Nuclear Power

    Horizon Nuclear Power was founded in 2009 as a joint venture between E.ON and RWE npower with the plan to build a nuclear power station with 6 GigaWatt capacity on a site close to the Oldbury and Wylfa nuclear power stations.

    Wylfa nuclear power station is located near Wylfa Newydd (Isle of Anglesey) and can be found here on Google-Maps.

    Oldbury nuclear power station is located about 23 miles from Bristol (UK), Oldbury (South Gloucestershire, on the banks of the Severn Estuary), and can be found here on Google-Maps.

    Horizon Nuclear Power plans:

    • Wylfa Newydd (Isle of Anglesey): two Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (WBWRs) planned delivering 2.7 GigaWatt
    • Oldbury (South Gloucestershire): 2.7 GigaWatt planned

    Hitachi Ltd (株式会社日立製作所)

    Hitachi Ltd (株式会社日立製作所) aims to grow its nuclear business to YEN 360 billion/year (approx US$ 3 billion) by 2021.

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Aquafadas SAS acquired by Rakuten via e-reader company Kobo

    Aquafadas SAS acquired by Rakuten via e-reader company Kobo

    Kobo acquires French digital publishing tool company Aquafadas

    Rakuten acquired e-reader manufacturer Kobo

    Rakuten acquired 100% of e-reader manufacturer Kobo for US$ 315 million in cash in January 2012.

    Kobo announced the acquisition of French digital publishing company Aquafadas on October 10, 2012.

    Aquafadas was founded in Montpeller in 2004 by Matthieu Kopp (CTO) and Claudia Zimmer (CEO). Today headquarters are located in the Montpellier International Business Incubator’s (MIBI).

    “Aquafadas” is the combination of “Aqua”, the name for Apple OSX’ graphical user interface and “fada”, which is the goddess of inspiration (Muse) in Occitan (the original language used in the Provence).

    Tools include:

    • InDesign Authoring: publishing customer mobile apps for iOS and Android using Adobe InDesign
    • Cloud Authoring: conversion of print to interactive mobile apps, e-books and web applications
    • CreativeFlow: creating of digital magazine apps
    • ConversionFlow: importing print documents to smartphones, tablets and web
    • Aquafadas Viewer
    • AppFactory
    • ComicComposer
    • Cloud Connect
    • App Marketing Tools
    • SDK Packages

    Desktop apps include:

    • MotionComposer
    • BannerZest
    • PulpMotion
    • KidsMotion
    • SnapFlow
    • iDive
    • Videopier

    Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Hitachi “inspire the next” Europe opens Rail Research Centre (ERRC)

    Hitachi “inspire the next” Europe opens Rail Research Centre (ERRC)

    European Rail Research Centre (ERRC) to focus on rolling stock design, manufacturing, maintenance and traffic management systems

    by Gerhard Fasol

    ERCC will be part of Hitachi Europe’s Transportation Energy & Environment Research Laboratory

    Hitachi “inspire the next” announced on October 10, 2012 the opening of the new European Rail Research Centre (ERRC) in London, to support Hitachi’s many rail projects in Europe and globally.

    Hitachi’s new European Rail Research Centre (ERRC) will conduct research into:

    • rolling stock design
    • manufacturing
    • maintenance
    • traffic management systems

    Hitachi Rail Europe recent orders

    • UK Department for Transport’s Intercity Express Programme (IEP): 225 km/h Super Express Trains (SETs) to be financed, supplied and maintained by Agility Trains. Total number of trains: 122 trains
    • UK Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (“Network Rail”): prototype Traffic Management System

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2012 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Buongiorno SpA acquired by NTT Docomo for € 209 million (US$ 260 million)

    Buongiorno SpA acquired by NTT Docomo for € 209 million (US$ 260 million)

    NTT Docomo acquired Italian mobile content, apps and service provider in a public tender offer

    Buongiorno SpA becomes fully owned subsidiary of NTT Docomo

    NTT Docomo acquired mobile content provider Buongiorno SpA in August 2012 following a public tender offer via Docomo’s German subsidiary DOCOMO Deutschland GmbH. The shares were delisted from the Italian Stock Exchange on August 22, 2012.

    Buongiorno SpA

    Buongiorno Chairman Mauro Del Rio in 1995 sent email messages with the subject line “Buongiorno” (= good morning) to 11 friends with daily jokes, in 1998 Mauro Del Rio’s newsletters went to 25,000 people, creating the base for the company.

    As of December 31, 2006, Buongiorno SpA had consolidated investments of € 157.2 million, and consolidated revenues of € 191.8 million, and consolidated net income of € 12.6 million, and approx. 659 employees.

    Buongiorno SpA has grown through a series of acquisitions:

    • MyAlert in 2001
    • merger with Vitaminic in July 2003
    • Gsmbox in 2004
    • Freever (founded by Jerome Trainel, Philippe Tissot, and Pierre Duhau-Laurent) in 2005
    • Tutch NL in 2005
    • Dioranews in 2005
    • Inventa in 2006
    • Rocket Mobile in 2007
    • HotSMS
    • FlyTXT
    • iTouch in 2007
    • eDong Asia
    • Glamoo
    • in 2011
    • carve out B2B business into Lumata Group

    Copyright (c) 2014 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Dentsu acquires Aegis

    Dentsu acquires Aegis

    Aegis Group plc, a UK company with French roots

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Dentsu’s challenge to grow global footprint while managing cultural differences

    On Thursday, July 5th, 2012, Dentsu announced the acquisition of Aegis Group plc, a UK company with French roots, centered on media advertising media buying.

    Dentsu’s need to globalize

    Driving this acquisition was Dentsu’s need to globalize, to create the necessary global footprint to compete with Publicis, WPP, Omnicom, Interpublic, Havas on one hand, and with newcomers Google and Facebook.

    Dentsu Aegis Network created to overcome cultural issues

    To overcome the important cultural issues of Japan-focused Dentsu, the “Dentsu Aegis Network” was created which combines seven major global brands:

    • Carat
    • Dentsu
    • Dentsu Media
    • iProspect
    • Isobar
    • Posterscope
    • Vizeum

    Dentsu acquires expertise in local markets

    This acquisition enables Dentsu to acquire companies in local markets via this new European subsidiary. For European examples, see our listing of Japanese acquisitions in Europe.

    Previously, Dentsu had acquired:

    • Steak Group, a UK based digital media group
    • Adjug, a UK based advertising exchange

    Report on Japan’s media landscape (150 pages, pdf file):

    Copyright 2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Nidec acquires Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A

    Nidec acquires Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A

    Reorganized as Nidec ASI

    Nidec: “for everything that spins and moves”

    Nidec acquires Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A. from HVEASI Holding BV, affiliated with Patriarch Partners LLC. The acquisition was completed in May 2012.

    Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A (ASI) renamed: “Nidec ASI S.p.A.” and set up a Japan subsidiary Nidec ASI Japan Corporation to develop Nidec ASI’s business in Japan and South Korea.

    Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A.

    Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A. was founded in 1853 in Milano (Italy). Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A. has about 1217 employees.

    Sales in Fiscal Year 2011 were € 292 million.
    Assets as of Dec 31, 2011 were € 469.1 million, fixed assets were € 56 million.

    Businesses are:

    • Motors, Generators and Drives Business
    • generators
    • Industrial Systems and Automation Business
    • Services (Maintenance) Business

    nidec (日本電産株式会社)

    Nidec was founded on 23 July 1973 in Kyoto by Nagamori Shigenobu, and produces motors, machinery, optical parts, camera shutters and other electro-mechanical equipment.

    Read our report on Japan’s electronics industry sector to learn more about NIDEC and its place in Japan’s electronics industry sector:

    Copyright 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Murata “innovator in electronics” acquires world’s largest independent MEMS manufacturer VTI Technologies Oy

    Murata “innovator in electronics” acquires world’s largest independent MEMS manufacturer VTI Technologies Oy

    VTI Technologies Oy acquired by Murata for € 195 million from EQT III

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Capacitive MEMS sensor maker VTI Technologies Oy is a perfect fit for miniature ceramic capacitor specialist Murata Electronics Oy

    Murata and private equity group EQT on October 11, 2011, announced the sale of VTI Technologies Oy to Murata for € 195 million. VTI Technologies Oy will be renamed Murata Electronics Oy, website:

    VTI Technologies Oy

    VTI Technologies Oy develops and manufactures acceleration, inclination, and angular momentum sensors using silicon based capacitive sensors based on proprietary 3D MEMS technology.

    Net sales in 2010 were € 75.8 million.

    EQT III acquired VTI from Breed Technologies in June 2002, VTI invested substantially in MEMS R&D and expanded sales by more than 75%.


    EQT is a private equity fund, and was established in 1994 by Investor AB, AEA Investors, SEB and the founding partners.

    • 17 funds with about € 22 billion capital raised
    • Investment strategies: equity, mid market, infrastructure and credit
    • about 120 investments and 60 exits
    • approximately 140,000 employees and € 17 billion total sales within EQT portfolio companies
    • 19 offices in 14 countries


    EQT III was established in 2001 with committed capital of € 2 billion and is now fully invested.

    EQT III‘s focus was on medium-sized companies in Northern Europe in engineering, medical technology, telecom, automotive and branded consumer goods and business services.

    Murata Manufacturing

    Murata Manufacturing was founded by Akira Murata in Kyoto in October 1944, and focuses on ceramic passive electronics components, and manufactures the worlds smallest ceramic capacitors.

    Read our report on Japan’s electronics industry sector:

    Copyright 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Rakuten acquires UK e-commerce portal

    Rakuten acquires UK e-commerce portal third European company acquired by

    Rakuten continues global battle with

    On September 21, 2011, Rakuten announced acquisition of 100% of the UK e-commerce portal site for UKL 25 million (approx. US$ 40 million).

    Rakuten’s acquisition of (UK) follows the acquisitions of PriceMinister (France) and Tradoria (Germany). sells music, books, clothes, accessories and electronics, and has 14 million registered users and 7 million listed products. is the largest UK online seller of DVDs. has approximately 500 employees. was founded in 1998 on Jersey (Channel Islands) by Richard Goulding, Simon Perrée and Peter de Bourcier – all 28 years old – in backrooms of the local Athlete’s Foot store, run by founders Richard Goulding, Simon Perrée, and with investment from Zuma Investments Limited (registered in Jersey, see registration information in the JFSC Companies Registry here).

    • In 2004 sold 15 million shipments and sales of UKL 190m
    • In 2005 sold 25 million shipments and a sales of UKL 250m
    • In 2011 is estimated to achieve sales of UKL 400 million and the Channel Island tax loophole

    Under EU rules established around 1980, merchandise priced less than UKL 18 (approx. US$ 30) from Channel Island based websites could be sold to customers in the UK without paying VAT (value added tax). UK plans to close this loophole by March 2012.

    Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Landis+Gyr acquired by Toshiba and The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ)

    Landis+Gyr acquired by Toshiba and The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ)

    Landis+Gyr to become “independent growth platform” within the Toshiba Group for smart meters and smart grid

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Landis+Gyr acquired by Toshiba (60%) and Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (40%) for US$ 2.3 billion

    Landis+Gyr acquired by Toshiba and The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan: this acquisition was finalized with a shareholder’s and share purchase agreement between Toshiba and INCJ and Landis+Gyr, announced on 25 July 2011.

    Initially, on 19 May 2011, Toshiba had announced the 100% acquisition of Landis+Gyr by Toshiba alone for US$ 2.3 billion including assumption of debt. Apparently, The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan entered this partnership sometime between May and July 2011 as an additional investor.

    Toshiba established a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV):

    • Toshiba invests: US$ 1.02 billion corresponding to 60% of equity
    • INCJ invests: US$ 0.680 billion corresponding to 40% of equity

    In addition, Toshiba assumed Landis+Gyr’s net debt of US$ 600 million, thus the total cost to Toshiba is:

    • 60% equity in SPV: US$ 1.02 billion
    • assumption of Landis+Gyr net debt: US$ 0.6 billion
    • total acquisition cost to Toshiba: US$ 1.62 billion

    The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ) invested US$ 680 million into this SVP, acquiring 40% of the SVP’s equity.

    Landis+Gyr – “manage energy better”

    Landis+Gyr was founded in 1896 as Elektrotechnisches Institut Theiler & Co in Zug, Switzerland by Richard Theiler. In 1904, Richard Theiler appointed the engineer Heinrich Landis as his successor. Heinrich Landis partnered with Dr. Karl Heinrich Gyr in 1905, and the company changed its name to Landis & Gyr in 1905.

    In 1998 Landis & Gyr was acquired by Siemens, and then again spun out in 2002 with the new version of the company name: Landis+Gyr.

    Landis+Gyr produces smart meters, smart grid equipment and related technology and services, with the mission to “manage energy better”.

    Landis+Gyr’s customers are mainly energy, gas and electricity utility companies throughout the world for their smart meter and smart grid networks.

    The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ)

    The Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ) is an investment fund established on 27 July 2009 as a public-private partnership between the Japanese Government and 26 major Japanese corporations temporarily for 15 years.

    Investment capability:

    • Capitalization: YEN 300 billion (=approx US$ 3 billion)
      • Japanese Government: YEN 286 billion
      • 26 corporations: YEN 14 billion
    • Japanese Government guarantees: YEN 1800 billion (=approx US$ 18 billion)
    • Total investment capability: YEN 2100 billion (=approx US$ 21 billion)

    INCJ has made a range of investments, the largest investment (YEN 200 billion = approx. US$ 2 billion) is in Japan Display.

    In addition to the Japanese Government, 26 investors (total YEN 14 billion) are:

    • Asahi Kasei Corporation
    • Canon Inc.
    • Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
    • Sharp Corporation
    • The Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd.
    • Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
    • Sumitomo Corporation
    • Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
    • Sony Corporation
    • Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
    • Toshiba Corporation
    • JGC Corporation
    • Development Bank of Japan Inc.
    • Panasonic Corporation
    • East Japan Railway Company
    • Hitachi, Ltd.
    • Marubeni Corporation
    • Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
    • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
    • Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation
    • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
    • Mitsubishi Corporation
    • The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
    • GE Japan Corporation
    • JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation


    Toshiba is one of Japan’s eight top electronics group, which we analyze in our report “Japan’s electronics industries: mono zukuri

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2011 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Rakuten acquires 80% of German e-commerce platform Tradoria

    Rakuten acquires 80% of German e-commerce platform Tradoria

    Rakuten continues global expansion

    Competing with….

    On July 28, 2011, Rakuten announced the acquisition of 80% of Germany’s e-commerce site Tradoria for a “double-digit million” amount.

    Tradoria has been rebranded as and has become part of Rakuten Deutschland GmbH.


    Tradoria was founded in 2007, and today has more than 4400 online stores offering approximately 8 million products.

    Tradoria is based in Bamberg, and before the acquisition by Rakuten, investors included:

    • Seventure Partners (about 24 %)
    • DuMont Venture (about 19 %)
    • European Founders Fund of the Samwer brothers (about 11 %)

    Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Value Team SpA acquired by NTT Data

    Value Team SpA acquired by NTT Data

    NTT Data’s a bridgehead to Brazil and South America

    Value Team SpA serves about 300 clients with about 3000 professionals

    On April 25, 2011, NTT Data announced the acquisition of 100% of shares of Value Team SpA via the subsidiary NTT Data Europe GmbH & Co KG for about € 250 million.

    Value Team SpA

    Founded in 2004 as part of Value Partners to offer business oriented IT services, and grew via acquisitions in Brazil and in Italy.

    In 2010, with about 3000 professionals served about 300 clients in the telecommunications, financial services and manufacturing sectors, and achieved € 308 million in revenues.

    NTT Data

    NTT Data, a subsidiary of Japan’s incumbent telecommunications group NTT, has been growing successfully around the globe with a series of acquisitions, including:

  • Hitachi Zosen acquires Energy-from-Waste (EfW) engineering firm AE&E Inova AG in Zürich, to become Hitachi Zosen Inova AG (HZI AG)

    Hitachi Zosen acquires Energy-from-Waste (EfW) engineering firm AE&E Inova AG in Zürich, to become Hitachi Zosen Inova AG (HZI AG)

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Waste is our energy! Energy-from-Waste (EfW)

    Hitachi Zosen acquires former Von Roll Inova to form Hitachi Zosen Inova AG

    AE&E Inova Holding AG filed for bankruptcy on December 3, 2010, and Hitachi Zosen Corporation (日立造船株式会社) acquired 100% of the shares of AE&E Inova Holding AG in Zurich with approval of the bankruptcy court, and the acquisition became final on December 20, 2010.

    Subsequently AE&E Inova Holding AG was renamed Hitachi Zosen Inova AG or abbreviated, HZI AG.

    Hitachi Zosen Inova AG history

    Inova was originally a department of the company “Gesellschaft der Ludwig von Roll’schen Eisenwerke” founded in 1823, the purpose was thermal waste treatment. Inova was founded in 1933 as “L. von Roll Bamag AG”.

    In 1960, Von Roll expanded to Germany and Japan, and in 1966 to France and Sweden, and 1975 to USA. Von Roll Environmental Technology Ltd was known as “Von Roll Inova Group”.

    In 2003, Von Roll Inova Group was acquired by the AE&E Group (Austrian Energy & Environment Group), a subsidiary representing about 40% of A-Tec Industries AG ( Both AE&E Group and A-Tec Industries AG went into bankruptcy proceedings. An overview of the complex bankruptcy and reconstruction proceedings can be found on the A-Tec Industries Wikipedia-page.

    AE&E Inova Holding AG filed for bankruptcy on December 3, 2010, and was acquired by Hitachi Zosen Corporation as of December 20, 2010.

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2014 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Sony Barcelona Tec factory sold to Ficosa International SA and Comsa Emte SL

    Sony Barcelona Tec factory sold to Ficosa International SA and Comsa Emte SL

    Sony Barcelona Tec technology center manufacturing LCD TV sets for Europe sold

    Sony Barcelona Tec acquired by Joint Venture between Spanish Companies Ficosa International SA and Comsa Emte SL

    Sony Barcelona Tec, the SONY Barcelona Technology Center was established in January 1973, and in August 2010 had about 1100 employees and was manufacturing LCD TVs for the European market. The site area is about 206,000 square meters, is located at Viladecavalls near Barcelona and can be seen here on Google Maps.

    With the sale of Sony Barcelona Tec the center is divided into two parts:

    • a manufacturing company whole owned and operated by Ficosa International SA
    • a development and engineering company owned by a joint venture between Ficosa International SA (50%) and Comsa Emte SL (50%).

    Ficosa International SA

    Ficosa International SA is an automobile parts company founded in 1949 and employing about 6800 people.

    Note: in 2014, Panasonic announced to acquire just under 50% of Ficosa for around US$ 275 million.

    Comsa Emte SL

    Comsa Emte SL is the second largest Spanish company in the engineering and infrastructure sector.

    Copyright·©2010 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • Rakuten acquires French ecommerce portal

    Rakuten acquires French ecommerce portal

    Rakuten continues to globalize via acquisitions

    Rakuten seeks to compete globally with

    Rakuten acquires 100% of shares of PriceMinister S.A. for €200 million (= approx. US$ 250 million). The transaction is expected to close at the end of July 2010.

    PriceMinister S.A.

    PriceMinister was founded in 2000 by current CEO Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet, and Pierre Krings, Justin Ziegler and Olivier Mathiot in a former Zeppelin factory, and achieved revenues of € 40 million in 2009.

    PriceMinister S.A.‘s website has approximately 12 million members, is visited by approximately 11 million users/month.

    PriceMinister S.A. has about 100,000 sellers and 21,000 merchants offering about 160 million products.

    PriceMinister S.A. has established online businesses in:

    The PriceMinister Group has five business areas:

    1. guaranteed buying and selling (marketplace)
    2. automobiles (classifieds):
    3. travel (price comparison):
    4. real estate (classifieds)
    5. email marketing

    Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Square Enix acquires Eidos Interactive for £84.3 million

    Square Enix acquires Eidos Interactive for £84.3 million

    Eidos Interactive converted into Square Enix Europe

    Square Enix on the path to globalization

    Square Enix acquires the publicly listed British games company Eidos Interactive for £84.3 million (approx. US$ 130 million), Eidos shares were suspended from trading on April 21, 2009, and the shares will be cancelled on May 6, 2009.

    Edits became formally part of Square Enix on April 22, 2009.

    Eidos Interactive was going through a number of ups and downs, acquisitions and mergers previous to this sale of the company to Square Enix.

    For Square Enix the acquisition of Eidos Interactive is a step in globalizing the company’s footprint: Eidos name will be changed into Square Enix Europe, so effectively Eidos is turned into Square Enix’ Europe operations.

    Eidos Interactive

    Eidos was founded in 1990 by Stephen Bernard Streater (graduated in Mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge) developing Full Motion Video (FMV) compression software for RISC Computers, such as the Acorn RISC Computer. Stephen B Streater left and sold Eidos, and founded Forbidden Technologies, while Eidos turned to game software.

    Around 2004/2005, Eidos suffered substantial losses and cash reserves were running low. Eidos had difficulties competing with Electronic Arts, Activision and other Western game makers. Eidos received acquisition offers from Elevation Partners, and the British Game maker SCi Entertainment, and on May 16, 2005, Eidos was sold to SCi Entertainment.

    In 2008, SCi Entertainment reported losses, and SCi Entertainment changed its name back to Eidos plc.

    • Revenues: £179.1 million (approx. US$ 270 million) (2006)
    • Net income: £8.1 million (approx. US$ 12 million) (2006)
    • Employees: 600

    Eidos was best known for the games:

    • Tomb Raider
    • Hitman
    • Deus Ex
    • Legacy of Kain
    • Thief

    Square Enix

    Square Enix was created on April 1, 2003 from the merger of the Japanese game companies:

    • Enix (founded on September 22, 1975) and
    • Square (founded on September, 1986).

    On October 1, 2008 the Square Enix Group of companies was converted into a holding company structure, Square Enix Holdings. Square Enix Holdings includes the group companies:

    • Square Enix Group
    • Taito Group
    • Square Enix Europe
    • Eidos Group
    • Shinra Technologies

    Square Enix is best known for it role playing games including the series:

    • Final Fantasy
    • Dragon Quest
    • Kingdom of Hearts

    Japan’s games sector

    With iconic traditional game companies including Nintendo, SONY, Konami, Sega Sammy, and new game giants including GungHo, LINE, and others, Japanese game companies have been setting the global game agenda for a long time, but do have some difficulties to globalize their Japanese success stories.

    Read our report on Japan’s game makers and markets for detailed analysis of financials and trends and market structure.

    Copyright·©2009-2015 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • Suzuki Metal Industry Co Ltd acquires valve spring wire maker Haldex Garphyttan Wire

    Suzuki Metal with Garphyttan to become global player of Nippon Steel Group’s wire rod business

    Suzuki Metal Industry Co Ltd to issue news shares to be acquired by Nippon Steel Group to finance the acquisition of Garphyttan AB from Haldex Group

    On December 25, 2008, Nippon Steel Group and Suzuki Metal Co Ltd announced the issue of additional share capital by Suzuki Metal, to be acquired by Nippon Steel Group. Suzuki Metal is to become a consolidated subsidiary of Nippon Steel Group, and use the investment to acquire 100% of valve spring wire maker Garphyttan from the Haldex Group.

    The acquisition price is 800 million Swedish Kronor (=approx. YEN 9 billion, US$ 92 million). The acquisition is to be completed by April-June 2009.

    Garphyttan Wire’s name will be changed to Suzuki Garphyttan, and will be a consolidated subsidiary of Nippon Steel Group.

    In October 2012 Nippon Steel Corporation and Sumitomo Metal Industries were merged into Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC).

    Garphyttan Wire

    Garphyttan Wire produces advanced spring wire for combustion engines and transmission systems for cards and commercial vehicles, especially valve spring wire.

    As of September 30, 2008, Garphyttan Wire had 471 employees, and sales of approx. SEK 1.1 billion (= JPY 19.3 billion, US$ 127 million)

    Garphyttan Wire was founded in 1906.

    Haldex Group

    Haldex Group produces commercial vehicle systems, hydraulic systems, valve spring wire, traction systems and related products.

    Haldex Group employs about 6154 people as of September 30, 2008.

    Suzuki Metal Industry Co Ltd “The pioneer of special steel wire manufacturer in Japan”

    Suzuki Metal Industry with this transaction became a consolidated subsidiary of Nippon Steel Corporation.

    Suzuki Metal Industry was founded on May 1, 1938 in Kameido, Koto-ku, Tokyo. The company produces valve spring wire, piano wire, stainless steel wire, titanium wire, and other special wire products.

    In FY2007, Suzuki Metal Industry achieved sales of YEN 41.4 billion (US$ 400 million) and employed about 811 people.

    In October 2012 Nippon Steel Corporation and Sumitomo Metal Industries were merged into Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC).

    On April 28, 2015, it was announced that Suzuki Metal Industry Co became a wholly owned subsidiary of NSSMC via a share exchange.

    Copyright·©2009-2015 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • Cirquent becomes subsidiary of NTT DATA

    Cirquent becomes subsidiary of NTT DATA

    NTT Data and BMW agreed today, that NTT Data will acquire 72.9% of outstanding shares of Cirquent GmbH

    NTT Data thus gains BMW as largest customer in Europe

    Today, August 1, 2008, NTT Data and BMW agreed, that NTT Data will acquire 72.9% of the outstanding shares of Cirquent GmbH in order to globalize.

    Cirquent was part of the BMW Group, and is Germany’s 7th biggest system integrator

    Between 1992-2008 Cirquent was part of the BMW Group. Cirquent is No. 7 in the Luenendonk ranking of German system integrators. Among Cirquent customers are BMW, Deutsche Boerse, Muenchner Rueck (reinsurer), and T-Mobile Germany. Cirquent has about 1800 employees and achieved sales of EURO 286 Million in 2007.

    Cirquent share ownership ratios after this acquisition:

    • 72.9% NTT Data
    • 25.1% BMW AG
    • 2% Cirquent GmbH employees

    After this acquisition, BMW becomes NTT Data’s largest customer in Europe. We consider this acquisition an excellent move by NTT Data, NTT Data acquired Germany’s 7th largest system integrator, including about 1000 highly qualified employees, and at the same time also gained BMW as largest customer in Europe, together with a number of other blue chip customers such as Deutsche Boerse, Muencher Rueck and T-Mobile Germany.

    Read more about Japan’s telecom sector in our J-COMM report.

    Copyright·©2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • TDK acquires passive electronic component maker EPCOS

    Acquisition value of YEN 200 Billion (approx. US$ 1.859 billion)

    by Gerhard Fasol

    EPCOS becomes part of 100% owned subsidiary TDK-EPC Corporation

    On July 31, 2008 TDK launched an offer to buy all outstanding shares of EPCOS, thus acquiring 100% of EPCOS.

    Value of the acquisition transaction was on the order of YEN 200 Billion (approx. US$ 1.859 billion)


    EPCOS was created in 1999 from Siemens-Matsushita Components, which was a joint venture between SIEMENS and Matsushita, created in 1989.

    TDK-EPC Corporation

    TDK-EPC Corporation is a 100% owned subsidiary of TDK Corporation, and was formed on October 1, 2009 following the acquisition of EPCOS by TDK.

    The company combines the electronic components business of TDK with EPCOS AG and its subsidiaries.

    The company has about 36,000 employees globally, and global sales are approx. EURO 1.8 Billion (in FY 2012).

    Products are mainly passive electronic components, including:

    • capacitors
    • ceramic components
    • EMC filters
    • inductors
    • resistors
    • RF modules
    • surface acoustic wave components (ASW filters)
    • surge arresters
    • ferrites

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri. Preview this report:

    Copyright 2008-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Yamaha acquires Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH

    Yamaha acquires Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH

    Yamaha Corporation acquires Vienna based 170 year old piano manufacturer

    Yamaha acquires Bösendorfer: Vienna piano manufacturer L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH founded in 1828

    L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH was founded in 1828 in Vienna (Austria), and is one of the world’s most respected piano manufacturers. Bösendorfer was sold to a US wood manufacturing company, later by an Austrian Bank, which itself was acquired by a US investment fund, and as a consequence the Japanese company Yamaha acquired 100% of L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH. The acquisition was announced on 21 December 2007, and is expected to be completed early in 2008.

    Yamaha acquires Bösendorfer
    Yamaha acquires L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH

    L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH

    L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH was founded on 25th July 1828 in Vienna (Austria) by Ignaz Bösendorfer.

    The company gained the distinction “k.k. Hof-Claviermacher” (Piano Maker by appointment to the Royal and Imperial Court of Austria) in 1839, and in 1858 was elevated to the title “Kammerlieferant des Kaisers”.

    Franz List, who was known for his vigorous key play, played largely on Bösendorfer Pianos which could cope well with Franz List’s forceful style.

    The company went through many difficulties caused by the wars.

    1966 the company was sold to the US company Kimball International.

    2002 the company was acquired by the Austrian Bank BAWAG. BAWAG itself went through a crisis and was acquired by the US fund Cerberus, leading to the sale of L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH to Yamaha.

    Founded: 25 February 1828
    Employees: 180
    Net sales: approx. € 13.5 million (Fiscal Year 2006)
    Total assets: approx. € 15.7 million (Fiscal Year 2006)

    Yamaha Corporation (ヤマハ株式会社) TSE 7951

    Yamaha Corporation (ヤマハ株式会社) (Tokyo Stock Exchange TSE 7951) was founded on 12 October 1887 by Torakusu Yamaha (山葉寅楠) as Nippon Gakki Company, Limited (日本楽器製造株式会社) (= Japan Musical Instrument Manufacturing Corporation) in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka-Prefecture, as a manufacturer of musical instruments.

    Revenues: YEN 432 billion (US$ 4 billion) (FY ending March 2015)
    Employees: 19,967 (March 2015)

    Products include:

    • musical instrument
    • electronics
    • motorcycles
    • power sports equipment

    Copyright (c) 2007-1016 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) acquired by Sumitomo Chemical

    Sumitomo Chemical to acquire CDT for US$ 285 million in cash

    Sumitomo Chemical (住友化学株式会社) acquired Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) under a merger agreement, paying an acquisition price of US$ 285 million in cash.

    • 1998: Sumitomo Chemical starts P-OLED development
    • 2001: Sumitomo Chemical and CDT Ltd (fully owned subsidiary of CDT Inc) enter into a cooperation agreement including technology licensing
    • May 2002: Sumitomo Chemical makes an equity investment in CDT Ltd
    • November 2005: Sumitomo Chemical established joint-venture SUMATION Co Ltd together with CDT Ltd for the development, manufacture and sales of P-OLED materials
    • 2007: Sumitomo Chemical acquires CDT

    Cambridge Display Technology (CDT)

    Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) is based largely on Professor Sir Richard Friend’s and his team’s inventions and developments of polymer light emitting diodes (P-OLEDs).

    CDT before acquisition was established in 1999, traded on NASDAQ (OLED), and sales in 2009 were US$ 8 million, and employed 130 people.

    CDT holds many patents and intellectual property in the field of P-OLEDs.

    Copyright·©2014 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation acquires Dorlastan fibers business from Lanxess

    Lanxess continues refocussing following spin-out from Bayer

    Textiles business moves to Asia

    On 17 November 2005, Lanxess (Köln, Germany) and Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation (Osaka, Japan) announced the planned sale of Lanxess’ Dorlastan business to Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation.

    Lanxess’ Dorlastan division includes production sites at Dormagen, Germany, and in Bushy Park, South Carolina, USA:

    • Dormagen (Germany): currently 280 employees, 170 to be transferred to Asahi Kasei Fibers Corp.
    • Bushy Park (South Carolina, USA): currently 190 employees, 160 to be transferred to Asahi Kasei Fibers Corp.


    Lanxess was founded in 2004 as a spin-out from Germany’s chemical giant Bayer, and includes some of Bayer’s former chemicals and polymers divisions.

    Lanxess focuses on manufacturing and marketing plastics, rubber, intermediates and speciality chemicals.

    Copyright·©2005-2016 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation (TELC) and KONE enter into capital alliance

    Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation (TELC) and KONE enter into capital alliance

    Toshiba Elevators and Finnish KONE invest in each other

    by Gerhard Fasol

    Toshiba Elevators sends one Director to KONE’s Board, and KONE sends two Directors to Toshiba Elevator’s Board

    On December 20, 2001, Toshiba Elevator and KONE announced, that in March 2002,:

    • TELC will issue new shares and increase its capital, and KONE will acquire a 20% holding of the new capitalization
    • TELC will acquire 5% of KONE’s shares
    • TELC will nominate one Director to the Board of Directors of KONE
    • KONE will nominate two Directors to the Board of Directors of TELC

    Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation (TELC)

    Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation (TELC) is a subsidiary of Japan’s Toshiba Corporation, established on February 16, 1967, the first escalator was installed in 1966, and the first elevator in 1967.

    Toshiba Elevators produces advanced elevators, such as double decker elevators.

    TELC has sales of approx. YEN 120 billion (US$ 1.2 billion) per year, and employs about 4700 people.


    KONE was founded in 1910. KONE’s annual sales are on the order of EURO 7 billion, and KONE employs about 47,000 people. KONE’s shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Exchange.

    Japan electronics industries – mono zukuri.

    Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Yamaha Motors Europe

    Yamaha Motor Group and Mitsui Trading Group establish Yamaha Motor Deutschland GmbH and Yamaha Motor (UK) Limited

    In 1971-1972 Yamaha Motor Group and Mitsui Group establish Yamaha Motor Deutschland GmbH in Germany and Yamaha Motor (UK) Limited in UK to import, market and sell Yamaha motor products in UK and Germany:

    • Yamaha Motor Deutschland GmbH:
      • Yamaha Motor Group: 40% investment
      • Mitsui Group: 60% investment
    • Yamaha Motor (UK) Limited
      • Yamaha Motor Group: 25% investment
      • Mitsui Group: 75% investment

    Expansion to Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Poland

    Subsequently Yamaha Motors and Mitsui expand imports, marketing and sales in Europe:

    • Yamaha Motor Austria GmbH: 100% Yamaha investment
    • Yamaha Motor Hungary Kft: 100% Yamaha investment
    • Yamaha Motor Czech Spol. s.r.o.: 100% Yamaha investment
    • Mitsui Motor Polska Sp. z.o.o.: 100% Mitsui Group investment

    (c) 2019 Eurotechology Japan KK